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Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences

Understand the human body. Conduct ground-breaking research. Support health professionals.

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For personalised assistance with UOW courses, please reach out to our Future Students Team:

Our team is available during Australian business hours, 9 am to 5 pm.

For other UOW contact details, click here.

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Contact the UOW Future Students Team:

For more details about this course

Australia: 1300 367 869. International: +61 2 4221 3218

Student ?
Campus ?
Delivery ?
On Campus
3 years full-time, or part-time equivalent
  • Autumn 2025
  • Spring 2025
  • Autumn 2026
  • Spring 2026
CRICOS: 068533J
UOW: 1830


Medical and health science provides insight into the structure and function of the human body at all levels of organisation. This knowledge can be used directly to work alongside other health professionals within the medical research and clinical health fields in both private industry and hospital settings and a variety of careers.

It is the medical and health professionals in their various roles that are involved in the development of therapies, application of diagnostic methods and treatments associated with health and disease.

A flexible, yet rigorous degree, the Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences is designed specifically for students who wish to study the scientific basis of human structure, function, and health. We can help you build the degree that’s right for you by providing career advice and guiding you through your study options to ensure you reach your career goals.

See the course handbook for more information.

The first year covers the core sciences, while in second year you choose electives from a wide selection of subjects such as pathophysiology, exercise and cardio-respiratory physiology, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, Indigenous studies, public health, and all specialised areas within chemistry, with potential to also create minors in many of these and other areas to follow your passions.

By integrating technology throughout this degree, we ensure that you graduate equipped to excel in a constantly changing and technologically advanced world.

On completion, high-performing students considering further study or a career in research should consider the honours program in medical and health sciences. This one-year degree offers students a pathway to expand their knowledge in their chosen area of interest and achieve their research aspirations.

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  • Healthcare Educator
  • Laboratory Manager
  • Medical Scientist
  • Medical Services Manager
  • Pathology Scientist
  • Pharmaceutical Scientist
  • Research Scientist
  • Technical Writer
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Admissions information

A range of admission options are available for future students. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures, and the UOW College Admissions Policy.

For specific advice or to ask any questions regarding an application, please contact the UOW Future Students Team.

Applicants need to have achieved the required score in a qualification equivalent to the completion of 13 years of schooling in Australia.
In order to succeed in your chosen course, it is assumed you have completed relevant subjects in your senior high school studies or other relevant qualifications. This is particularly important for degrees which have a strong basis in Mathematics or Science.

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International Course fees table
Campus Delivery method Session fee* Course fee*
WollongongOn Campus$19032 (2025)$114192 (2025)
WollongongOn Campus$19032 (2026)$114192 (2026)
LiverpoolOn CampusFee not available (2026)Fee not available (2026)
LiverpoolOn CampusFee not available (2025)Fee not available (2025)

* Session fees are for one session for the year shown. Total course tuition fees shown are indicative, and are based on normal course length and progression. These fees are subject to change from year to year. However, if you receive an offer to study at UOW, your fees will be fully confirmed at the time of your offer.

Tuition fees are reviewing annually: fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and are subject to increase during the period of study

Additional Fees

In addition to tuition, there are other fees and costs you will need to consider, including but not limited to:

    Indicative enrolment

    The tables below contain information on the 2024 commencing student cohort, which indicates the likely profile of students for 2025.

    Student profile

    This table shows the breakdown of the applicant background of the student group at UOW for this course. It provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study and continued study beyond the census date at UOW in 2024.

    Student profile table
    Applicant background 2024 intake 2024 intake (%)
    Higher education study N/P N/P
    Vocational education & training study 6 4%
    Work & life experience 0 0%
    Recent secondary education
    ATAR Only 6 4%
    ATAR plus additional criteria <5 <5
    Other criteria only (non-ATAR) 57 39%
    International students 27 19%
    All students 145 100%

    < 5: Number of students is less than 5
    N/A: Data not available for this item
    N/P: Not published (hidden to prevent calculation of other numbers less than 5)

    ATAR profile

    This table relates to all students selected on the basis of ATAR alone or ATAR in combination with adjustment factors. For more information on adjustment factors commonly available to applicants, see ATAR-based admission.

    ATAR profile table
    ATAR profile of ATAR-based offers in 2024 ATAR Selection Rank
    Highest rank to receive an offer 96.8 99.5
    Median rank to receive an offer 75.97 79.58
    Lowest rank to receive an offer 64.65 70.65

    < 5: Less than 5 ATAR-based offers made
    N/A: Data not available for this item
    N/P: Not published (less than 5 ATAR-based offers made)

    More information

    For more information about UOW admission pathways, see UOW Admission Information.