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Master of Teaching (Primary)

Take your degree to classroom. Understand the foundations of learning. Have a profound impact on young lives.

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On Campus
2 years full-time, or part-time equivalent
  • Autumn 2026
CRICOS: 080833G
UOW: 1642


The Master of Teaching (Primary) is for university graduates from non-teaching courses who want to become primary school teachers (Kindergarten to Year 6). This degree produces high quality teachers with an understanding of diversity in the classroom and with strong connections to school communities.

You will build teaching skills through professional experience immersion programs starting within the first month of and weekly blocks throughout the degree. You will complete 60 days of professional experience (PEX), including the option to complete one PEX in a rural or remote area of NSW.

Your learning will be supported by on campus tutorials, pre-recorded and in-person lectures, in school activities, forums, and online teaching. You will benefit from the expertise of local teachers and a range of workshops to develop your skills in communication, technology enhanced learning, working with parents, designing assessment and conducting school-based research.

During your study you will explore the concepts of teaching and learning to build your professional skills in the key learning areas for primary schools: English, mathematics, science and technology, creative arts, personal development, health and physical education, and human society and its environment (history and geography).

See the course handbook for more information.

Fee subsidised places available

UOW is offering Commonwealth supported places (CSPs) for all of our postgraduate coursework degrees in 2025. This means the Australian government will subsidise your tuition fees by up to 75%. To be eligible for this fee subsidy, you must meet the following criteria: Be a domestic student, i.e. an Australian or New Zealand citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or a permanent Australian Humanitarian visa holder.

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  • Digital Education Specialist
  • Discipline Lead
  • Education Policy Advisor
  • Educational Consultant
  • Principal
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Teacher
  • Training and Development Officer
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Accreditation & professional recognition

This degree is accredited and recognised as a national professional teaching qualification. Students seeking work outside NSW or Australia are advised to check with potential employers and other teacher registration authorities for any additional requirements.

All students completing a NSW teacher education course must pass approved literacy and numeracy tests prior to commencing their Professional Experience.

Admissions information

A range of admission options are available for future students. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures, and the UOW College Admissions Policy.

For specific advice or to ask any questions regarding an application, please contact the UOW Future Students Team.

Teaching is an academically rigorous profession, and teachers play a critical role in our communities. Strengthening requirements for studying teaching degrees is an initiative of the NSW Government to ensure that initial teacher education programs prepare high-quality graduate teachers who can respond to the needs of all learners and make a positive impact on student learning.

At UOW, we are committed to ensuring our graduates meet the highest standards by setting appropriate entry criteria and maintaining a strongly developmental program. This program supports teacher education students from diverse backgrounds with varied experiences, abilities, and perspectives to become the teachers of the future.

Entry Requirements

  • An undergraduate degree equivalent to a three-year Australian bachelor’s degree with a minimum average mark of 65%, meeting the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for teaching in primary schools. The NESA requirements must be assessed by the School of Education before submitting your application.
  • A valid IELTS score is required if the degree was not completed in English in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, or the Republic of Ireland.
  • A Teaching Questionnaire meeting the non-academic selection criteria.

Students who have studied overseas may need to meet additional requirements set by the NSW Education Standards Authority to qualify as teachers in NSW.

For application procedures and course information, please refer to the School of Education.

Compulsory Work Based Placement
This course contains approximately 60 days of compulsory work-based placements, completed over 12 weeks (totaling 420 hours, at 35 hours per week) throughout the degree. Each student must complete placements in at least two different schools.

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International Course fees table
Campus Delivery method Session fee* Course fee*
ShoalhavenOn Campus$15264 (2025)$61056 (2025)
Southern HighlandsOn Campus$15264 (2025)$61056 (2025)
WollongongOn Campus$15264 (2025)$61056 (2025)
Bega ValleyOn Campus$15264 (2025)$61056 (2025)
EurobodallaOn Campus$15264 (2025)$61056 (2025)
ShoalhavenOn Campus$15264 (2026)$61056 (2026)
Southern HighlandsOn Campus$15264 (2026)$61056 (2026)
WollongongOn Campus$15264 (2026)$61056 (2026)
Bega ValleyOn Campus$15264 (2026)$61056 (2026)
EurobodallaOn Campus$15264 (2026)$61056 (2026)
LiverpoolOn CampusFee not available (2026)Fee not available (2026)

* Session fees are for one session for the year shown. Total course tuition fees shown are indicative, and are based on normal course length and progression. These fees are subject to change from year to year. However, if you receive an offer to study at UOW, your fees will be fully confirmed at the time of your offer.

Tuition fees are reviewing annually: fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and are subject to increase during the period of study

Additional Fees

In addition to tuition, there are other fees and costs you will need to consider, including but not limited to: