Australian Global College

Credit for prior learning

The following Australian Global College courses have credit for prior learning available. Please select the course for further details. 

Course details

Course: Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care 

Marks required for maximum credit exemption: Achieve a competency grade in all subjects

Maximum credit exemption: 48 credit points (1 year of study)

Course Completed: Yes 

Summary of course duration at UOW if maximum credit exemption granted

UOW course *UOW FacultyNumber of years to complete *Session of entry 
Bachelor of Education - The Early Years Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities 3 years (144 cps) Autumn session only


Maximum credit exemptions

UOW subject code

UOW subject name

Credit points

EYMP 101

Early Childhood Contexts



Professional Partnerships



Children's Health, Safety
and Wellbeing


Creative Arts Education in
Early Childhood Settings


Observing Children 6


Historical and Philosophical
Perspectives in ECEC



Unspecified credit @ 200 level 


Maximum eligible credit points of credit transfer


Course details

Course: Diploma of Information Technology

Marks required for maximum credit exemption: 60% average

Maximum credit exemption: 36 credit points (6 subjects)

Course completed: Yes 


Summary of course duration at UOW if maximum credit exemption granted

UOW courseUOW majorUOW FacultyNumber of years to completeSession of entry
Bachelor of Computer Science All single majors Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences 2.5 years Autumn and Spring
Bachelor of Information Technology All single majors Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences 2.5 years Autumn and Spring


Maximum credit exemptions

Institution subject codeInstitution subject nameUOW subject codeUOW subject nameCredit points
BSBCRT512 Originate and develop concepts

Problem Solving


ICTICT517 Match ICT needs with the strategic direction of the oragnisation
ICTICT443 Work collaboratively in the ICT industry
ICTICT526 Verify client business requirements

System Analysis


ICTICT523 Gather data to identify business requirements
ICTSAD508 Develop technical requirements for business solutions
ICTNWK529 Install and manage complex ICT networks CSIT127 Networks and Communications 6
ICTNWK536 Plan, implement and test enterprise communication solutions
ICTNWK540 Design, build and test network servers
BSBPMG537 Manage project procurement CSIT214 IT Project Management 6
BSBPMG532 Manage project quality
BSBPMG536 Manage project risk
Unspecified credit @ 100 level 12
Maximum credit points 36

Additional course requirements

Additional information regarding course requirements, areas of major study and double majors can be found in the UOW Course Handbook.

English language requirements

Further information regarding UOW English language requirements and additional course information can be found under additional entry requirements.

The information contained on this website is a guide only and is subject to change according to any amendments to the curriculum of the University of Wollongong or the institutions listed on this website. You will be advised of your eligibility for admission and for credit exemption after receipt of your formal application in your formal letter of offer.