UTS Insearch: UTS-2



Diploma of Engineering

Marks required for maximum credit exemption:

65% credit average in all subjects

Maximum credit exemption:

48 credit points

Course completed: (Y/N)


Summary of course duration at UOW if maximum credit exemption granted:

UOW Course

UOW Major

No. of years to complete

Session of entry*

Program of study

Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)

Civil, Mining, Environmental, Mechanical, Materials & Mechatronics majors

3 years

Autumn/ Spring

UOW Course Handbook

Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)

Electrical, Telecommunications & Computer majors

3.5 - 4 years **

* Indicates the session in which you can commence in order to minimise course duration. You will normally require an additional session of study if commencing in a session not listed. Autumn = February; Spring = July

** Years to complete is greater due to missing pre-requisites and scheduling of subjects for each session.

Students granted the maximum credit exemption will be exempt from the following UOW subjects:


Institution Subject Name

UOW Code

UOW Subject name

Credit points


Chemistry 1

CHEM 103

Introductory Chemistry for Engineers



Mathematical Modelling 1

MATH 141

Foundations of Engineering Mathematics



Physical Modelling

PHYS 143

Physics for Engineers



Programming Fundamentals


Engineering Computing and Analysis


Engineering Mechanics


Engineering Mechanics


Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics



Introduction to Electrical Engineering


Electrical Systems



Chemistry and Materials Science


Materials in Design


Unspecified Credit @ 100 Level for any one of the following subjects, Networking Essentials or Engineering Computations or Mathematical Modelling 2


Maximum Credit Points


Application of Credit Exemption to UOW Courses/Majors:

A further 96 credit points (equivalent to 2 years of full-time study) will be required to complete the following UOW degrees offered by the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) as per the above listed majors.

    Additional information regarding course requirements, areas of major study and double majors can be found in the UOW Course Handbook (Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences).

The information contained on this website is a guide only and is subject to change according to any amendments to the curriculum of the University of Wollongong or the institutions listed on this website. You will be advised of your eligibility for admission and for credit exemption after receipt of your formal application in your formal letter of offer.

English language requirements:

All applicants are required to meet the University’s English language requirements for entry.

Students not meeting the English language requirement for direct entry are able to undertake English language training on campus at UOW College