Shandong Normal University


Institution Course UOW Course Years to Complete Details
2 + 2 Program - Business

Bachelor of Commerce - All single majors

 Bachelor of Business 

2 years SHAND-1


Institution Course UOW Course Years to Complete Details
2 + 2 Program - Engineering (All majors except Mechanical Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Biomedical, Computer,

Electrical, Mechatronics and Telecommunications Engineering

3.5 years SHAND-2
2 + 2 Program - Engineering (All majors except Mechanical Engineering)

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Environmental and

Materials Engineering

3 years SHAND-3


2 + 2 Program - Engineering (All majors except Mechanical Engineering)


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

 Civil and Mining Engineering

3 years SHAND-4


2 + 2 Program - Engineering (All majors except Mechanical Engineering)


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)

 Mechanical Engineering

3 years SHAND-5

Credit for prior learning

The following Shandong Normal University course has credit for prior learning available. Please select the course for further details. 

Course details

Course:  2 + 2 Program - (Business Major)

Program Year Cohorts: 2023, 2024, and 2025

Completion of Institution Course Required: First two (2) years - minimum 26 subjects (including the specific subjects listed in the below equivalency table) 

Minimum Grade Required: Minimum overall grade of 73% (including all Failed Grades) plus a minimum of 60% in all individual subjects where specified credit has been granted (please see below) 

Summary of course duration at UOW if maximum credit exemption granted

University Course


Course Duration

Session of Entry

Years to Complete After Maximum Exemption

Bachelor of Business

Course Code: 3090

To ensure you graduate on schedule, please email Kate, Business and Law International Unit ( at least three weeks before the start of your first session with UOW to discuss your remaining enrolment pattern.

All single majors

3 years

144 credit points
(24 subjects)

Autumn and Spring

2 years

96 credit points
(16 subjects)




[NOTE: Completion of a named Institution Subject for specified credit will entitle the Applicant to be exempt from completing the corresponding University Subject]

Institution Subject Code

Institution Subject Name

University Subject Code

University Subject Name

Credit Points


Introduction to Financial Accounting


Accounting Principles




BUS 121

Statistics for Business



Principles of Microeconomics


Economic Essentials for Business



Principles of Macroeconomics



FIN 111

Introductory Principles of Finance



Introduction to Marketing


Marketing Principles



Business Communication


Professional Communication: Concepts and Practices



Organizational Behavior


Organisational Behaviour



Human Resource Management Education  


Managing Human Resources


Maximum Exemption (6 USP = one general elective subject)



- Unspecified (USP) credit may be able to count towards a general elective subject (6cp USP = 1 (6cp) elective subject).

- Due to Professional Accreditation requirements, maximum credit transfer is unable to be granted in the Bachelor Business (Accountancy).

Students have the option to apply for an Integrated Masters Package, where they can reduce the duration of their Business Master’s Degree. This advanced study option combines a UOW business undergraduate degree and a variety UOW postgraduate business degrees to allow students to advance and broaden their business knowledge, giving them a competitive advantage in the job market. The degrees are completed consecutively so that after successful completion of the bachelor’s degree, students receive a transfer of course credits that will allow them to complete their business master’s degree in shorter time (1 year), and for less expense.

Student’s also have the option to package a second business master’s degree which will enable them to gain two Business Master’s Degrees in two years.

More detailed information can be found in the below web links:
Integrated Masters Package*:

Two Business Master’s in Two Years**:


Some Examples of the ‘Business Master’s Degree  (in 1 year)’ Options*:

UOW Course Details

Session of Entry

Years to Complete when  Maximum Credit Transfer is Granted

Master of Business Analytics

Master of Financial Management

Master of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Master of Project Management


All Courses - Duration: 1.5 years / 72 credit points


Trimester 1, 2 or 3

1 year /                                        48 credit points

Some Examples of the ‘Two Business Master’s Degree  in 2 years’ Options**:

Students can choose to combine any of any two of the eligible Business Masters Degrees

Note: Students wishing to undertake Master of Supply Chain Management as part of their two Masters, must complete their Master of Supply Chain Management first (due to professional accreditation requirements) 

Master of Supply Chain Management  

plus Master of Project Management


Master of Business Analytics

plus Master of Innovation and Entrepreneurship


All Courses - Duration: 3 years / 144 credit points


Trimester 1, 2 or 3

2 years /                           84 credit points


Additional course requirements

Additional information regarding course requirements, areas of major study and double majors can be found in the UOW Course Handbook.

English language requirements

All applicants who have completed the Community College of City University - Beijing course have met the University’s English language requirements and no English condition will be applied to their offer. 

Further information regarding the additional course information can be found under additional entry requirements.

The information contained on this website is a guide only and is subject to change according to any amendments to the curriculum of the University of Wollongong or the institutions listed on this website. You will be advised of your eligibility for admission and for credit exemption after receipt of your formal application in your formal letter of offer.