Recovery, mental health and wellbeing

We have a program of research that has been focused on understanding recovery within mental health settings. This has involved development and dissemination of the Collaborative Recovery Model. We have also helped to establish a number of measures of psychological recovery. These tools are designed to measure constructs that are more meaningful to consumers than conventional outcome measures. They were developed in response to consumer criticisms of traditional clinical measures, which tend to focus on illness and disability. In contrast, our measures have a positive psychology focus and target psychological recovery and personal growth. 

The Stages of Recovery Instrument (STORI), the STORI-30, and the self-identified stage of recovery (SISR) are self-report measures for assessing stage of recovery from mental illness. The SIST-R is an interview-based assessment developed to overcome the difficulties that some people may have in completing self-report measures. Below you will find descriptions of the STORI, STORI-30, SISR and the SIST-R, and links to related journal articles.

The STORI is available in a number of languages. The SISR is also available in a number of languages. You may download the STORI, STORI-30 or the SISR for use in research or in the clinic. There is no charge for these measures, but we do request that you make the usual proper acknowledgment.

We recommend that users of any of the measures on these pages refer to our book, Psychological Recovery: Beyond Mental Illness which elaborates on the processes of recovery using the words of consumers to bring to life the theory supporting the model.

Measures of Recovery

The STORI consists of fifty items, rated on a scale from 0 to 5. Items are presented in 10 groups of five: the five items within each group represent the five stages of recovery. Therefore, overall there are 10 items representing each stage, and these are used to create five stage subscale scores. The highest subscale score indicates the stage of recovery that the person is experiencing.

STORI and Scoring Guide

Use of the STORI is permitted, provided no profit is made and the authors are acknowledged.

STORI-30 and Scoring Guide

The STORI-30 is a 30-item version of the STORI. It is hoped that the shorter measure will present less of a burden to mental health clients, practitioners and researchers. The STORI-30 consists of 30 items of the original STORI.

Use of the STORI-30 is permitted, provided no profit is made and the authors are acknowledged.

The English version of the STORI-30 and the English version of the STORI-30 Scoring Guide.

Use of the SISR and the SIST-R is permitted provided no profit is made and the authors are acknowledged.

The SISR is a brief self-rated assessment of stage of recovery, consisting of two parts. Part A is a forced-choice item consisting of five statements reflecting the five stages of the model. Respondents select the statement that best reflects their current experience. Part B consists of four statements reflecting the four processes of recovery, rated on a six-point scale.



English version of the SIST-R


We welcome translations into other languages, with the condition that you contact us first to ensure that the correct protocol for translations is followed. If you would like to translate the STORI or the SISR into another language, please email us at