What's on
In 2025 we will share events and activities that honour the University's legacy, connect with our communities and ignite excitement about our future.
From labs to libraries, lawns to lecture theatres, 50 Voices is a year-long content series that celebrates the people who have made UOW what it is today. Hear unique stories from students, staff, alumni, donors, and community members who have had a lasting impact.
Join us as we take a trip down memory lane with the people who've made UOW. All aboard the Memory Mobile!
[00:00:00] INTERVIEWEE 1: It's a home away from home. It's just beautiful.
[00:00:03] (Laughter)
[00:00:04] INTERVIEWEE 2: Well, 'cause this is where it started for me.
[00:00:06] NARRATOR: What was it like when you got that confirmation that you were in?
[00:00:09] INTERVIEWEE 3: It was just disbelief. Yeah. It felt really, really surreal.
[00:00:12] INTERVIEWEE 4: Brings out a bit of pride in you at the work that you do here.
[00:00:14] INTERVIEWEE 4: It's a real success story.
[00:00:16] NARRATOR: This year, the University of Wollongong is celebrating its 50th anniversary and at UOW we know it's the people who make our story.
[00:00:25] INTERVIEWEE 5: I always love coming here.
[00:00:26] INTERVIEWEE 5: Uni was effectively my backyard as a child.
[00:00:31] NARRATOR: That's why we're sharing 50 voices, showcasing the individual stories of people who have walked through these campus doors, so come with us.
[00:00:36] NARRATOR: As we take a trip down memory lane with the people who've made UOW.
[00:00:42] NARRATOR: I've got my trusty driver, Ben, all aboard the memory mobile.
A personal recollection by a long-standing observer and enthusiastic supporter of the University of Wollongong.
Read the story
In 2025 we will share events and activities that honour the University's legacy, connect with our communities and ignite excitement about our future.