Dismantling barriers and chasing dreams with the Dylan Alcott Foundation

Meet UOW’s Dylan Alcott Foundation scholars

Diving into marine life mysteries with UOW’s MAVE Lab

Uncovering the work of the Marine Vertebrate Ecology Lab

Celebrating women in engineering

UOW graduates share their stories.

Transforming microfinance for women's empowerment

A call for structural change

Counting down to UOWs campus opening in India

Q&A with Campus Director Nimay Kalyani

Welcome to The Stand Magazine

We bring to life subjects that illustrate the impact our students, teaching, research and graduates make in the world.

The Stand exists to unlock the knowledge and expertise inside the University of Wollongong (UOW), telling stories about our people and their accomplishments that inform, educate and inspire. This magazine was born out of a renewed sense of place, purpose and values that will guide the University in fulfilling its role in exploring how to resolve society’s large and complex social, environmental and economic challenges.

We believe education is one of the most powerful transformative forces on communities and individuals. It opens minds and helps people find purpose, meaning – and solutions for the world’s most pressing challenges.

This is our unified story – a story that draws on our past, understands the present, and looks to the future.


Easy tips to save money and thrive as a uni student in Wollongong

Uni students typically have a lot on their plate – whether it’s studying for those final exams, organising what’s for dinner, or rounding up mates for a well-deserved beach day, the last thing you want on your mind is finances. Fortunately, there are plenty of great opportunities to save money and thrive around Wollongong, from the CBD, to on the UOW campus.

Inspiring the women of the future

We may think everything has changed when it comes to equality, but there is still work to do. Meet the UOW women ensuring gender equality is a reality for everyone.

A brighter future

Selin Gulez loves to learn about the way the world works.

Teaching students to think well

They’ve enjoyed the privilege of special scholarships and small-group tutoring, but they’re also proving that their talents can change the world.

UOW medical students leading the way with research projects 

Changing medical practice and procedure is usually based on the advice of practitioners with years of experience.

Carbon neutrality, greenhouse gases, net-zero: understanding the lingo of a sustainable future

On 5 June, to mark World Environment Day, the University of Wollongong (UOW) announced its commitment to carbon neutrality by 2030. It follows years of devastating natural disasters exacerbated by climate change, including the Black Summer Bushfires and recent East Coast floods.