Alumni are the backbone of every university's legacy - not only are they powerful ambassadors but also generous donors. As a university woven into the social fabric of the communities we serve, the University of Wollongong (UOW) takes great pride in alumni worldwide making a global impact.
Alumni stories & profiles
The secret to truly smart cities
Smart lights, smart water meters, smart waste disposal, even smart parking are great ideas, but if only a section of the community can use it, is it really as smart as we think?
Residents bloom in Desert Rose House
Cameron Porter explains that a well-designed home can be inexpensive and maintain the quality of life for our ageing population.
The year at UOW
For UOW, 2018 has been a year defined by where we’re from, and a year that defined where we’re going.
Beyond the laboratory
Dr Dixit uses his scientific background and profile to address health and environmental issues affecting developing countries, including his home country of Nepal.
A platform for change
When you meet Dominique, it’s easy to see the role that passion and purpose have played in her rapid career trajectory since she graduated little more than 10 years ago.
Living the luxe life
Luxury brands have a way of making a sophisticated lifestyle look effortless. Jessica Sparks spoke to three UOW alumni working for luxury brands and discovered it’s not all jet planes, islands and tigers on a gold leash.