UGPN Conference

March 30 – April 01 2020 | Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Important announcement: Postponement of UGPN2020

On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organisation declared the coronavirus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

In Australia, while numbers of infected individuals remain low, case numbers are increasing daily and the New South Wales Health Minister indicated yesterday that containment may be unlikely. Given the increasing changes in epidemiology of the virus around the country, health experts here indicate that the number of new COVID-19 cases in Australia is likely to rise over the next few weeks.

In view of this scenario and given that the UGPN conference is scheduled to be held in Wollongong from 30 March – 1 April 2020, the UGPN Executive held an extraordinary meeting this morning (AEDT) to seek UGPN members’ views on whether to proceed with the current arrangements for the conference or postpone the meeting till a later date.

This was not an easy decision to make as we had to consider the advice from four national governments, four universities and the personal situation of individual delegates from each of our partner universities.

The UGPN Executive agreed that the most judicious option, given current information and official advice across four countries, was to postpone the conference to a time when each partner University felt confident they could guarantee their delegates’ attendance. We are currently investigating a new date suitable to all partners.  We hope to propose a tentative date for the conference by the end of the month.

We apologise for any inconvenience to the arrangements you may have already made for the conference and appreciate your patience and understanding with the change of date for the conference.

The UGPN are still very committed and excited to host the conference at UOW and look forward to meeting with you at a later date.

The annual University Global Partnership Network (UGPN) Conference brings together a diverse range of expertise from world class researchers spanning four continents, to focus on issues facing our planet by promoting innovative research collaboration and knowledge transfer.

Three days of research collaboration

This year's UGPN delegates will address global problems through multidisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange developing; revolutionary solutions leading to innovative research projects.

With plenaries from UOW academic researchers and three themed mulitdisciplinary workshops, attendees will participate in tackling global issues with consideration of key UN sustainable development goals. Presentations from UOW Undergraduate and Postgraduate students engaged in finding real-world solutions to global problems and from recipients of Research Collaborative Fund grants will inspire attendees. Lunchtime panels addressing equity, diversity and equality and collaboration in teaching and learning as well as workshops for professional staff discussing marketing and communications, equity and diversity and student and staff mobility ensure a well rounded conference program. Campus tours and social events will also be on offer for attendees to network and help establish potential collaboration opportunities.

The schedule

Pre Conference: Sunday 29 March

Executive Dinner

Day 1: Monday March 30

8.30 - 9.00: Registration

9.00 - 9.30: Welcome to Country

9.30 - 10.00: Welcome Sessions - Chair: Prof Paul Wellings VC, UOW

  • Welcome to UOW – Prof Paul Wellings VC, UOW
  • Welcome to UGPN 2020 – Prof Jennifer L Martin, DVC (R&I), UOW
  • UGPN Update – Prof Valmor Tricoli, Provost for International Collaboration, USP

10.00 - 11.00: RCF Outcomes Panel

  • Presentations from past recipients and panel

Morning Tea

11.30 - 1.00: UOW presentations - Chair Prof Jennifer L Martin, DVC (R&I), UOW

  • #ACT4SDGs Pitch Sessions
    • Finalist: Team Full employment: SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 3 minute thesis Winners – PhD students
    • Winner: Vivien Forner (BUS): How can we stop Emergency Service volunteers from quitting?
    • Runner-up: Charbel Tawk (EIS): Don’t take it for granted, for some it is a dream!
    • People's Choice Award: Joint winners Arbab Tufail: Shining a light on wastewater & Lingzhi Kang: Artificial skin for burn patients
  • VC Fellows – Post Docs
    • Current 2019: Dr Anna Farmery – Marine Food Systems
    • Past: Associate Prof Jenny Fisher (2012) - Pollutants in the Atmosphere (SMAH- CAC)

LunchCollaboration in Teaching and Learning Panel, Chair: Prof Tim Marchant, Dean of Research, UOW 

2.00 - 3.30: Workshops & Meetings

  • Workshops Session 1 
    • Workshop 1: Sustainable Planet (Senior Prof Sharon Robinson/ Dr Michelle Voyer) 
    • Workshop 2: Industries for the future (Distinguished Prof Zaiping Guo/ Associate Prof Susanna Guatelli) 
    • Workshop 3: Health and Wellbeing (Associate Prof Lyn Phillipson/ Distinguished Prof Antoine van Oijen) 
  • Executive Board Meeting
  • Professional Services Meeting

Afternoon Tea

4.00 - 5.00: iC Campus Tours

  • Australian Institute for Innovative Materials (AIIM) 
  • iAccelerate
  • Sustainable Buildings Research Centre (SBRC)

Conference Dinner – Lucia’s by the Sea (6.00pm - 9.00pm)


Day 2: Tuesday March 31

8.30 - 9.00: Registration

9.00 - 10.00: SDGs & Interdisciplinary research Chair: Prof Jennifer L Martin, DVC (R&I), UOW

  • SDGs – Prof Belinda Gibbons
  • Interdisciplinary Project Presentation – Associate Prof Kerrylee Rogers – Blue Carbons Futures

Morning Tea

10.30 - 12.45: Workshops Session 2 

  • Workshop 1: Sustainable Planet 
  • Workshop 2: Industries for the future
  • Workshop 3: Health and Wellbeing 

Lunch - Gender Equity and Reduced Inequality Panel: Prof Jennifer L Martin  DVC (R&I), UOW

2.30 - 3.30: Workshops Session 3

  • Workshop 1: Sustainable Planet 
  • Workshop 2: Industries for the future 
  • Workshop 3: Health and Wellbeing 

Afternoon Tea

4.00 - 5.00: Workshops Session 3 continued 

  • Workshop 1: Sustainable Planet 
  • Workshop 2: Industries for the future 
  • Workshop 3: Health and Wellbeing 

Networking event - UOW Planetarium (5.00 - 7.00)

Dinner at leisure

Day 3: Wednesday April 01 

8.30 (Foyer - Novotel): Transport to UOW Main Campus

9.00 - 10.30 (UOW Main campus): UOW Campus Tours 

  • Early Start
  • Molecular Horizons

Morning Tea

11.00 - 1.00 - Closing Session: Chair Prof Valmor Tricoli

  • Feedback from Workshops – Theme Leaders
  • Funding Opportunities - Discussion
  • Closing Remarks
    • Handover to incoming Chair
    • RCF announcement
    • UGPN 2021

Lunch - BBQ

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Registration now open