Image of Sustainable Homes Challenge student Charles Chadwick

Sustainable Homes Challenge: Meet Charles Chadwick

Sustainable Homes Challenge: Meet Charles Chadwick

My name is Charles Chadwick, I currently attend University of Adelaide where I study Bachelor of Architecture. I began architecture mid-year as I was previously studying legal studies at Uni SA and couldn’t relate to the atmosphere there, my sister was studying architecture and I liked the look of the work, so I decided to apply and got in.

I had focused a little on architecture before university and in high-school had participated in an environmental house design “course” where we had to design an eco-friendly house with no skills and sketch-up in three days, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I also looked at tyres and rammed earth as thermal mass for my year 12 research project. These activities are likely what have encouraged me to want to design environmentally sustainable houses and why I signed up for the SHC.
My design ‘philosophy’ is striving to do better with the responsibilities I have been given, as an architect I have the tools to give people sustainable homes and I will do my best at that. I am also driven by rising rates of homelessness as coming out of high-school I’ve had many friends lose their homes, and some have ended up homeless and it’s a struggle that young people shouldn’t have to cope with, and while I don’t know how much I can do as an architect, Ill try and do as much as I can to help.
So far, I’ve been quite interested in all the courses, but the circular economy course was incredibly fascinating to me, and while it is quite broad I think I will be looking into this for years to come and will be constantly referring to it as I continue down my career path.
I hope to gain many skills during this course, and learn about all the different types of sustainable design and their many aspects, I hope that this course will help me in my quest to working as a humanitarian and sustainably focused architect and could help me on my career path.