Image of Sustainable Homes Challenge student Matthew Hammond

Sustainable Homes Challenge: Meet Matthew Hammond

Sustainable Homes Challenge: Meet Matthew Hammond

Hi, I am Matthew Hammond. I grew up in Campbelltown and moved down to Wollongong this year to be closer to friends, study, and to chase my love of the landscape and nature that this city has to offer.

Prior to studying at the University of Wollongong, I completed my first year in a Bachelor of Music at Western Sydney University, I then worked full time for a few years before realising that it was most right for me to work with the environment I love. I am now in my final semester of a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physical Geography and Environmental Geosciences, with a minor in Sustainable Communities and a minor in Environmental Crisis and Response.
Over the years, I have developed my passions in sustainability and striven to share that passion with those around me. While in my degree, I have returned to Scouts as a Scout Leader where I help to educate youth in sustainable practices and learning, and I recently contributed to the UOW statement to the UN’S Conference of Youth 16 as a part of the UOW Student Advisory Council, where we made demands for change on a university, city, country, and global scale.
What you are hoping to get out of being involved in the Challenge and how this aligns with your values / principles?
Studying a majority of my degree in the pandemic environment has led to a restriction in networking opportunities. As such, I have attempted to create opportunities for myself and make the most of my time in lockdown(s). When I saw the SBRC advertise this Sustainable Homes Challenge, I read through the description and thought it perfect for my passions and future job prospects. Out of this challenge, I have been hoping to network with fellow students and professionals alike, as well as learn from those within the academic community about sustainable futures and how I can best influence my future to make a difference. As seen in my background, I am somebody who has tried to learn where I can about sustainable practices and have actively sought out opportunities to influence others around me and the communities in which I am involved to work towards a better future.
What the most surprising thing you have learnt so far is
So far, I’ve been surprised to learn further about circular economies and the benefits they have in the world. I also found it interesting to learn about the multi-faceted aspects of sustainability and issues that members of various communities face in their day-to-day lives, and especially how sustainable practices should account for the challenges of intersectionality in the world.