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Get yourself pumped and ready
April 3, 2020
As with most changes in this ‘new normal’, learning via remote delivery will require some adjustment and might feel confusing to begin with. Being a student is a very productive way to be spending your time at home, but you’ll need to figure out how to make it work for you.
Although super tempting, trying to work from the couch or your bed really isn't conducive to a productive learning session. Creating a designated space helps you focus on the task at hand and leaves other spaces in your house for breaks and free-time - which are super important.
Learning space checklist:
You've heard this one before - so it must be important! Routine checklist:
Just because you aren't seeing them in class, doesn't mean your academics aren't available to help you.
Use your online Moodle forums to ask questions and clarify content. Try to keep your communications concise, as they'll be getting more notifications than ever, so this will make it easier for them and you!
If it is a personal issue, email your subject coordinator directly. Their email address will be in your subject outline.
You're going to need the support of your uni friends now more than ever.
Maybe you forgot you had a reading to do by Friday, or that an assessment was due next Tuesday. Uni friends are great for reminding you of the things you may have forgotten, but they're also going through exactly what you are. If you need to chat with someone just to lighten your mood, or you miss being on campus hanging out, give them a ring and catch up - chances are they're feeling the same way!
As with all classes, you're still encouraged to participate, however, things are slightly different online and it's probably worth knowing how to master the art.
Things to know:
Your phone is fantastic, but it can really take over. You get your news and social media fix on it, contact friends and play games on it as well. Pretending that your phone won't distract you while you try to learn will quickly prove to be a mistake. Avoid using it as a calculator or dictionary as well - you'll inevitably see a notification and get distracted.
Saved the best till last. Staying healthy is very important in times like these. Your mental health will likely be impacted so follow these 5 tips for maintaining resilience, from UOW experts. Also, (your mum has definitely already said these, but) get enough sleep, eat healthy food, go outside for your 'essential' daily spot of exercise and take breaks - you'll deserve them.
If you need further support, get in touch with the relevant UOW Student Support Service.
Good luck, #stayhome and #staysafe
For more info visit UOW's remote learning site.