Dismantling barriers and chasing dreams with the Dylan Alcott Foundation

Meet UOW’s Dylan Alcott Foundation scholars

Diving into marine life mysteries with UOW’s MAVE Lab

Uncovering the work of the Marine Vertebrate Ecology Lab

Celebrating women in engineering

UOW graduates share their stories.

Transforming microfinance for women's empowerment

A call for structural change

Counting down to UOWs campus opening in India

Q&A with Campus Director Nimay Kalyani

Welcome to The Stand Magazine

We bring to life subjects that illustrate the impact our students, teaching, research and graduates make in the world.

The Stand exists to unlock the knowledge and expertise inside the University of Wollongong (UOW), telling stories about our people and their accomplishments that inform, educate and inspire. This magazine was born out of a renewed sense of place, purpose and values that will guide the University in fulfilling its role in exploring how to resolve society’s large and complex social, environmental and economic challenges.

We believe education is one of the most powerful transformative forces on communities and individuals. It opens minds and helps people find purpose, meaning – and solutions for the world’s most pressing challenges.

This is our unified story – a story that draws on our past, understands the present, and looks to the future.


National Volunteer Week: Something for everyone

This National Volunteer Week, we caught up with a student, graduate and community members on why they choose to give their time.

Let's celebrate LGBTIQ inclusion for IDAHOBIT

May 17 is a date globally recognised as the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), celebrating the anniversary of homosexuality being removed from the WHO classification of diseases in 1990. First launched in Australia in 2005, IDAHOBIT is now globally recognised as a time for reflection and the celebration of LGBTIQ people in our communities.

Believing in a new age of autism support

Diagnosed with autism later in life, Kory Sherland turned lived experience into her life’s work supporting people on the autism spectrum.

Social work students celebrate the beauty of community

More than 50 qualified and trainee social workers spent a day immersed in the beauty of nature and in the concept of community last week to celebrate World Social Work Day.

Powerful voices reveal the reality of economic disparity for women

Economic independence and housing solutions for women were the key topics brought to the table at a recent International Women's Day live panel discussion, presented by the University of Wollongong (UOW) and GongTalks.

Why UOW Liverpool could be your perfect campus

As UOW student Christina Tran prepares to graduate at the end of this year, she looks back on her experience at UOW Liverpool.