Dismantling barriers and chasing dreams with the Dylan Alcott Foundation

Meet UOW’s Dylan Alcott Foundation scholars

Diving into marine life mysteries with UOW’s MAVE Lab

Uncovering the work of the Marine Vertebrate Ecology Lab

Celebrating women in engineering

UOW graduates share their stories.

Transforming microfinance for women's empowerment

A call for structural change

Counting down to UOWs campus opening in India

Q&A with Campus Director Nimay Kalyani

Welcome to The Stand Magazine

We bring to life subjects that illustrate the impact our students, teaching, research and graduates make in the world.

The Stand exists to unlock the knowledge and expertise inside the University of Wollongong (UOW), telling stories about our people and their accomplishments that inform, educate and inspire. This magazine was born out of a renewed sense of place, purpose and values that will guide the University in fulfilling its role in exploring how to resolve society’s large and complex social, environmental and economic challenges.

We believe education is one of the most powerful transformative forces on communities and individuals. It opens minds and helps people find purpose, meaning – and solutions for the world’s most pressing challenges.

This is our unified story – a story that draws on our past, understands the present, and looks to the future.


Why purple food is better for your brain

Thirty years ago, Professor Karen Charlton was working as a hospital dietitian in the North East of England. After work she would visit older men who lived alone in sheltered housing accommodation to interview them about what they ate. Professor Charlton smiles when she talks about this time.

How pregnancy impacts a woman's body

Pregnancy is an amazing and surprising time in a woman’s life. As her body becomes a minefield of new experiences, it is pushed to unprecedented levels of stress and endurance.

A healthy diet for a healthy planet

Forecasts suggest that by 2050, 10 billion people will inhabit the earth, requiring the production of 70 to 100 per cent more food.

A rural training ground for our future doctors

For a group of UOW medical students, having the chance to immerse themselves in a town like Grafton provides vital training, experience, and an insight into life outside the city.

Painting the town silver

How a desire to help Australia’s ageing population has inspired one UOW graduate to create a unique walking and falls prevention program that’s changing lives.

A life-changing gift

It is a gesture that is, as yet, unquantifiable. But the impact on the health of our communities is full of possibility.