James Chipperfield appointed to key positions at the International Association of Survey Statisticians

James Chipperfield appointed to key positions at the International Association of Survey Statisticians

James Chipperfield, an Honorary Principal Fellow at NIASRA and Assistant Director at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, was recently appointed to be a Vice President and the Scientific Secretary of the International Association for Survey Statisticians (IASS) from 2019 to 2021.

The roles involves recruiting people to write book reviews and articles about new and emerging methods for the Survey Statistician (see January 2020 Issue) and keeping members up-to-date on relevant upcoming conferences and workshops through the monthly IASS newsletter. The roles, as part of the Executive IASS Committee, include promoting survey statistics internationally by funding and organizing invited sessions and presentations at workshops and conferences. If you are interested in contributing to the Survey Statistician please contact James at james.chipperfield@abs.gov.au and if you are interested in becoming a member please visit the IASS website.